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Getting Started

The first port of call for any privacy sensitive use should be our Privacy Policy.

DNS-over-TLS (no ECS)

For best results, you should configure your DNS-over-TLS (DoT) client to use

dns.bentasker.co.uk, TCP port 853

for resolution

However, if you don't want to allow your resolver to do a lookup first, you can configure the following IPs, and instruct your resolver to verify that a valid cert is provided with the tls_auth_name dns.bentasker.co.uk.


Unbound Example
        name: "."
        forward-tls-upstream: yes
        forward-addr: xx.xx.xx.xx@853#dns.bentasker.co.uk
        forward-addr: yy.yy.yy.yy@853#dns.bentasker.co.uk

For more information, see how to configure unbound for upstream DoT

DNS-over-TLS (ECS)

For best results, you should configure your DNS-over-TLS (DoT) client to use

dns.bentasker.co.uk, TCP port 1853

for resolution

However, if you don't want to allow your resolver to do a lookup first, you can configure the following IPs, and instruct your resolver to verify that a valid cert is provided with the tls_auth_name dns.bentasker.co.uk.


Unbound Example
        name: "."
        forward-tls-upstream: yes
        forward-addr: xx.xx.xx.xx@1853#dns.bentasker.co.uk
        forward-addr: yy.yy.yy.yy@1853#dns.bentasker.co.uk

For more information, see how to configure unbound for upstream DoT


Configure your DNS-over-HTTPS client to place queries via


By default, ECS information will be included in upstream queries. If you do not want this, you should ensure your DoH client is set to request that ECS is not used.


Firefox Example (about:config)
network.trr.uri: https://dns.bentasker.co.uk/dns-query
network.trr.disable-ECS: false
network.trr.mode: 2

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Available at dns.bentasker.co.uk / dns.6zdgh5a5e6zpchdz.onion
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